

English Version



         姓        名:张栋
         邮        箱:dzhang@scau.edu.cn





        2006年 - 2010年  东北林业大学 理学学士

        2010年 - 2016年  中国科学院植物研究所 理学博士



        2016年 - 2021年  中药研究所青蒿素研究中心 助理研究员、副研究员

        2019年 - 2021年  约克大学(英国)访问学者

        2021年 - 至今      华南农业大学 首聘副教授



1. Ma T#, Gao H#, Zhang D#, Sun W, Yin Q, Wu L, Zhang T, Xu Z, Wei J, Su Y, Shi Y, Ding D, Yuan L, Dong G, Leng L*, Xiang L*, Chen S* (2021) Genome-Wide Analysis of light-regulated alternative splicing in Artemisia annua L. Frontiers in Plant Sciencedoi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.733505. (# equal contribution) (IF=5.753) 

2. Zhang D#, Jiang C#, Huang C#, Dong Wen, Lu J, Chen S, Zhang T, Shi Y, Xue J, Ma W, Xiang L, Sun W*, Chen S* (2019). The light-induced transcription factor FtMYB116 promotes accumulation of rutin in Fagopyrum tataricum. Plant Cell Environ. 42(4),1340-1351. (# equal contribution)IF=6.151

3. Zhang D, Sun W, Shi Y, Wu L, Zhang T, Xiang L* (2018) Red and Blue Light Promote the Accumulation of Artemisinin in Artemisia Annua L. Molecules 23, 1329. IF=3.268

4. Zhang D#, Li YH#, Zhang XY, Zha P, Lin RC* (2017). The SWI2/SNF2 chromatin-remodeling ATPase BRAHMA regulates chlorophyll biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 10:155-167.(# equal contribution)IF=10.812 

5. Zhang D#, Jing YJ#, Jiang ZM, Lin RC* (2014). The chromatin remodeling factor PICKLE integrates brassinosteroid and gibberellin signaling during skotomorphogenic growth in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 26: 2472-2485. (# equal contribution)IF=9.378

6. Shen Q#, Zhang D#, Zhang T, Xu Y, Zhao D* (2020). Comparative Transcriptome and Co-expression Analysis Reveal the Key Genes Involved in Leaf Margin Serration in Perilla frutescens. Chinese Herbal Medicines,  12265-272. (#equal contribution)

7. Zhang Y#*, Shen Q#, Leng L#, Zhang D, Chen S, Shi Y, Ning Z, Chen S* (2021) Incipient diploidization of the medicinal plant Perilla within 10,000 years. Nature Communications (online) (# equal contribution) (IF=14.919)

8. Jing, Y, Zhang, D, Wang, X, Tang, W, Wang, W, Huai, J, Xu, G, Chen, D, Li, Y, and Lin, R* (2013). Arabidopsis chromatin-remodeling factor PICKLE interacts with transcription factor HY5 to regulate hypocotyl cell elongation. Plant Cell 25: 242-256.(IF=9.378)

9. Xu G#, Guo HY#, Zhang D, Chen DQ, Jiang ZM, Lin RC* (2015). REVEILLE1 promotes ADPH:Protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase A expression and seedling greening in Arabidopsis. Photosynthesis Research, 126:331-340 (#equal contribution) (IF=3.24)

10. Ma T# , Gao H#, Zhang D, Shi Y, Zhang T, Shen X, Wu L, Li Xiang*, Chen S* (2020) Transcriptome analyses revealed the ultraviolet B irradiation and phytohormone gibberellins coordinately promoted the accumulation of artemisinin in Artemisia annua L. Chinese Medicine, 15: 67. (# equal contribution)(IF=2.96)

11. 鹿江南; 张栋; 丁丹丹; 高翰; 韩宗贤; 刘霞; 向丽. 高温促进黄花蒿中青蒿素生物合成的机制研究. 中国中药杂志. 2018 20 .



1. 陈士林,沈奇,向丽,李西文,张栋,田世刚,陈莎,张天缘。中研肥苏1号(紫苏)。

2. 向丽,丁丹丹,张栋,师玉华,苏燕燕,黄盛群,彭绪冰。中康优青2号(黄花蒿)。





1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,31900258,受蓝光诱导的调控青蒿素合成的bZIP转录因子的挖掘以及功能验证,2020.01-2022.1223万元,在研,主持。 

2. 中国中医科学院基本科研业务费优秀青年科技人才(创新类),ZZ13-YQ-109,受光诱导的AaMYB44 AaMYB4 转录因子对青蒿素合成影响的机制研究. 2019.09-2020.0910万元,结题,主持。 

3. 国家科技重大专项,2017ZX09101002-003-001,重大新药创制“青蒿素及其衍生物创新药物研究” . 2017.01-2020,12, 2.5亿元, 结题,参与。

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