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         姓        名:卡森
         邮        箱:qasim@scau.edu.cn





        2010年和2012年先后在华南农业大学和土尔其伊斯坦布尔大学从事博士后工作。2013年在巴基斯坦农业生物技术研究所(Agricultural Biotechnology Division, Pakistan)从事水稻有利基因发掘研究工作。2014年9月应聘到沙巴官网体育(中国)有限公司工作。


        主要开展同源四倍体水稻新种质创建和水稻有利基因发掘研究,曾作为主要参加人承担了多个国家基金的研究工作,并取得重要研究成果。以第一作者(或共同第1作者)在“Plant Physiology”、“Journal of Experimental Botany”和“Crop Science”等国际知名刊物上发表8篇学术论文,另作为主要参加者发表论文9篇。参加编写专著1部。



1. Hong Peng, Muhammad Qasim Shahid*,Yan-Hong Li, Jing-Fei Tong, Xiao-Wei Zhou, Xiang-Dong Liu, Yong-Gen Lu. Molecular evolution of S5 locus and large differences in its coding region revealed insignificant effect on indica × japonica embryo sac fertility. Plant Syst Evol. 2015, 301:639-655 

2. Wu JW, Shahid MQ*, Guo HB, Yin W, Chen ZX, Liu XD, Lu YG. Comparative cytological and transcriptomic analysis of pollen development in autotetraploid and diploid rice. Plant Reproduction. 2014,27(4):181-196.

3.Shahid MQChen FYLi HYWang SZChen PFLin SQLiu XD and Lu YGDouble-neutral genes San and Sbn for pollen fertility in rice to overcome indica xjaponica hybrid sterilityCrop Sci. 2013,53(1):164-176

4.He JH, Shahid MQ*, Li YJ, Guo HB, Cheng XA,Liu XDand Lu YG. Allelic interaction of F1 pollen sterility loci and abnormal chromosome behaviour caused pollen sterility in intersubspecific autotetraploid rice hybrids. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2011.62(13):4433-4445.

5.He JH, Shahid MQ, Chen ZX, Cheng XA, Liu XDand Lu YG. Abnormal PMC microtubule distribution pattern and chromosome behavior resulted in low pollen fertility of an intersubspecific autotetraploid rice hybrid, Plant Syst Evol.2011,291:257-265.

6.Tong J F, Li Y H, Yang Y X, Shahid M Q, Chen Z X, Wang Lan,Liu X D and Lu Y G. Molecular evolution of rice S5nand functional comparison among different sequences. Chinese Sci Bull. 2011.56(19):2016-2024.

7.Muhammad QasimShahid, Liu Guifu, Li Jinquan, Muhammad Naeem and Liu Xiang-Dong. Heterosis and gene action study of agronomic traits in diploid and autotetraploid rice. Acta Agr Scand B-S P., 2011, 61:23-32.

8.Muhammad QasimShahid, Sun Jianfan, Wei Changmin, Zhang Peng, and Liu Xiang-Dong. Studies on the abnormality of embryo sac and pollen fertility in autotetraploid rice during different growing seasons. Pak. J. Bot., 42(1): 7-19, 2010

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